Thursday, October 20, 2022

Debunking Myths About Metal Roofs

Every person has their own opinion when it comes to metal roofs. There are people (me) who live and die by the metal roof, yet there are some who would never consider switching from a shingle roofing system. There are a multitude of reasons why someone would either love or hate a metal roof. There are plenty of things to love about a metal roof such as the durability, color, style and the value it immediately adds to your home. On the other hand, in some people's minds there are just as many things to not like, as there are to love about metal roofs. The truth is, a lot of these concerns over metal roofs are just myths. Here are a few common myths about metal roofs that have been debunked.

  • MYTH #1: Metal Roofs Are Too Noisy
    • FACT: Many people believe that metal roofs will add unwanted noise to their home life. However, when installed properly, metal roofs are paired with a roof deck which adds structure to your roof. This added protection to your roofing system helps insulate sound. This protection even helps silence thunderstorms, wind, branches falling and even the sound of critters crawling across your roof. All in all, once you experience a stormy season with a metal roof on your home you'll find they are no louder than other roofing systems, and sometimes they're even quieter.  

  • MYTH #2: Safety Concerns (Lightning/Hail Damage)
    • FACT: Some believe metal roofs must attract lightning more than shingle roofing materials because.... well it's metal, duh. The fact is, metal roofs do not attract lightning at a higher rate than other roofing material. However, in the unlikely event of a lightning strike a metal roof will not spark, combust or ignite unlike asphalt and other roofing materials. Furthermore, metal roofs are made to withstand hail and other severe weather better than asphalt and other roofing materials. Metal roofing is actually recommended in areas with consistent severe weather. There are valid concerns about any roofing project, or home improvement project in general, however your safety should not be of concern when considering a metal roof. 

  • MYTH #3: Metal Roofs Will Rust
    • FACT: When metal roofs first became commonplace the technology to create them was not nearly efficient as today's standards. When metal roofing was literally a piece of sheet metal cut and nailed onto your roof, yes it would rust. However, with today's material including the paint, metal roofs are made to withstand years of severe weather. Metal roofs are made to last and stay rust free for decades, so you can enjoy that clean, crisp look on your home for years and years. 

  • MYTH #4: Metal Roofing Will Heat Up My Home
    • FACT: Metal roofs actively work to fight against UV rays. This process allows metal roofs to release solar heat at a much higher rate than asphalt shingle roofing. Metal roofs actually make it easier to reduce interior temperature and maintain a comfortable level of heat in the home. Furthermore, proper insulation works to keep the cool air from escaping your home. 

  • MYTH #5: Metal Roofs Are Too Expensive
    • FACT:
      Metal Roofs do typically have a higher up front cost compared to shingle roofing. However, with shingle roofing the lifespan is much shorter than metal roofing. It's tough to find shingle roofing with a lifespan greater than 25-30 years. While most metal roofing lifespans BEGIN at 50 years, if not more. Furthermore, shingle roofs almost always end up needing some sort of repair during it's lifespan. On the other hand, metal roofs have virtually no up-keep for the duration of it's lifespan. When you consider these variables it makes sense that the price between the two options ends up balancing out over the course of the two respective lifespans. Metal Roofs truly are the last roof you'll ever need!

All in all, it would be foolish to believe every household is going to install a metal roof to their home. However, if you are considering a metal roof take the time to do some research and don't be deterred from a good decision because of a few common myths. They're exactly that, myths. Yes, metal roofs are a higher up front cost compared to shingle roofing, but as we discussed the cost difference balances out over the course of the roof's lifespan. Don't worry about how noisy you think it may be, because it's not going to be any louder during a thunderstorm than it is with your current shingle roof. Metal roofs are not a safety concern, they're considerably safer than a shingle roof; especially in areas where consistent severe weather is experienced. To find out what it would take to replace your roof with metal give Shingle and Metal Roofs LLC a call. We always do free estimates, and if you decide metal isn't for you that's perfect! We specialize in asphalt shingle roof replacements as well. Visit our website or give our office a call to find out why metal is better at Shingle and Metal Roofs LLC!

Contact Information:

Office Phone: 
(419)-469-8994 | (419)-766-0414

Debunking Myths About Metal Roofs

Every person has their own opinion when it comes to metal roofs. There are people (me) who live and die by the metal roof, yet there are som...