Monday, August 8, 2022

Common Signs of Roof Damage to Look Out For!

If you're being honest with yourself, when was the last time you actually thought about the condition of your roof? Sure, you see it everyday when you come home, but even if you do notice the roof it's usually just a quick glance followed by a sigh of relief for making it through another long day. The truth is, many of us don't think about our roof until a bad storm comes along and you notice a leak. However, your roof can show multiple signs of damage over the course of it's life and it's important to spot these signs. Spotting the signs early could cause for a repair, but it could save you from a leak or two until your next replacement. Some damage is bad enough that it requires a full replacement, but it's better to get this home improvement job done on your own time and not in emergency settings. Here are a few common signs to look out for.

Debunking Myths About Metal Roofs

Every person has their own opinion when it comes to metal roofs. There are people (me) who live and die by the metal roof, yet there are som...